More Blond jokes

Blonde and thermos
A blonde goes to work and sees that one of her co-workers has a thermos. She asks him what it does and the fellow co-worker responds, ''It keeps hot things hot, and cold things cold'' The blonde was amazed and when she got home immediately went out and bought one. The next day she goes to work and is proud that she has this wonderful object. The same co-worker realizes she has a thermos and says, ''What do you have in it?'' she says, ''Soup, and ice cream!'

Blonde & Gun
A blonde sees her boyfriend cheating on her, so she goes home, pulls out a gun, and decides to shoot herself. But, before she can, her boyfriend walks in. "No! Don't do it!" He shouts. The blonde yells "Shut up, you're next.

I drank too much last night.
There was this blonde who woke up one morning not remembering what happened the night before. She went into the kitchen to ask her mother. Her mother replied, "You went to the the bar last night with your father. I must have been asleep when you came home. Go ask your father."She went into the living room to see what her father would say. He answered, "You got very drunk last night. I am very disappointed in you! I'm surprised that your not hungover!"The blonde questioned, "Are you SURE? I can't remember a thing!"

A blonde was having financial difficulties and decides that she has to take some serious action, so she goes to the park and kidnaps a young boy and writes a ransom note, "I have kidnapped your son. Leave $10,000 behind the old elm tree and your son will come to no harm", she pins the note inside the boys jacket and sends him home.Next day sure enough there was $10,000 behind the tree and with it a note saying, "I cant believe one blonde would do this to another blonde".

Blonde on a Computer
Q. How can you tell a blonde has been working at a computer?A. There is white out all over the screen.

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